Pathways to Housing Program

“ Just because my path is different doesn’t mean I’m lost.” -Anonymous


Pathways to Housing serves local families trapped in a cycle of poverty. Families in the program often struggle with debt, credit issues, and low wages, but have the drive and potential to achieve their goals. Graduates of the Pathways to Housing program will either purchase a home through Habitat or choose another path to improve their housing situation.

Pathways to Housing provides one-on-one financial coaching; homebuyer education classes; and a monthly group meeting with participants. The program also provides job training and placement supports through a partnership with the Charlottesville Works Initiative. Pathways Neighbors are in the program for three years or until they meet their individual graduation goals. 

Becoming a Pathways to Housing Neighbor

As active partners in the journey to financial stability, Habitat Pathways Neighbors are:

1. In need of better housing and financial coaching

Pathways Neighbors might be dealing with low credit scores; debts in collections and/or judgments; difficulty finding employment; unaffordable rent; or aren’t sure how to get the financial help they need. 

2. Willing to partner with Habitat

Pathways Neighbors must be willing to meet with their coach at least once a month to discuss progress towards financial freedom. Neighbors will set goals and discuss how to meet goals.  

Pathways Neighbors must also attend monthly group meetings with other Neighbors in the program. Meetings cover a variety of topics including budgeting, credit reports, repaying debt, collections and judgments, housing options, and loan programs.


Pathways to Housing Program